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Treatment and Procedures


The film above is funded by NHS England and produced by Health Innovation Oxford and Thames Valley (formerly Oxford AHSN), working with clinicians from the Frimley Health and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trusts. Neil Barber provided clinical knowledge and editing to this film which provides a summary of the TURP procedure.

Under direct vision using a telescope passed down the water-pipe (urethra), small ‘chips’ are repeatedly cut away from the prostate, ‘boring out’ a wide channel, relieving obstruction to the flow of urine out of the bladder. We use a ‘bipolar’ TURP, which is safer than the traditional monopolar TURP in terms of reduced blood loss and reduced absorption of fluid during the procedure. Typically patients stay in 48 hours after surgery.

  • TURP has stood the test of time and remains the bench-mark operation to which all newer procedures are compared
  • One of the most frequent urological operations performed so your surgeons have considerable experience, each having performed over 500 cases

The following consultants offer this treatment:

Neil Barber; Richard Hindley; Simon BottAmr Emara; Andew Chetwood;  Muddassar Hussain;  Manar Malki